october 1

saint ThÉrÈse of the child jesus

I would be a missionary, not for a few years only, but from the beginning of creation until the consummation of the ages.

God of all peoples, because of her immense desire to proclaim the gospel, we honor Thérése as the patron saint of missionaries. She believed the purpose of her life was to love Jesus and to make him loved. Through her intercession we pray for all who have left home and country to make you known and loved throughout the world. Bless them with strength for their ministry and the assurance of your love. We ask this in faith. Amen.

october 2

guardian angels

God’s angel defends the faithful, guarding them on every side.

O God, you have created the angels to be your messengers and the guardians of your people. We pray for the grace to be attentive to your inspirations and to the subtle manifestations of your presence. May your angels watch over us, protecting us in all your ways. We ask this in faith. Amen.

october 4

saint francis of assisi

Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary use words.

O God, you called Francis to a great love for Lady Poverty and for all the creatures of the earth. On his feast day, we pray for the grace to follow Jesus who became poor for our sake and to trust in your divine providence. May we strive for unity of mind and heart in sharing whatever we have. We pray also to value the resources of the earth as gifts from you. We ask this in faith. Amen.

october 7

our lady of the rosary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Jesus, through the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, you invite us to reflect on the mysteries of your life. May your words and deeds become the pattern for our lives and may we grow in our appreciation for your life among us. We pray especially today for the people of Guatemala who celebrate this day as their patronal feast. Through the intercession of your mother may they come to a deeper love for you. Amen.

october 15

saint teresa of avila

Let us desire to be occupied in prayer not for the sake of our enjoyment but so as to have the strength to serve.

O God, you raised up Teresa to reform the Carmelite Order and to show us the way of contemplative prayer. With her we pray for one all-possessing love, a soul centered in you. May we know you as the loving source from whom alone we go forward or stay back. We ask this, as a community called to love. Amen.

october 18

saint luke

I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you.

O God of revelation, through the inspiration of your Spirit, Saint Luke recorded for us the Good News of the life of Jesus. By our prayerful reflection on his words may we come to know you more intimately and respond with courage to the challenges his message presents. May our lives reflect our understanding of the call to be people of the gospel. Amen.

october 28

saint simon and jude

Jesus appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message.

Jesus, you called Simon and Jude to be among the first to proclaim your message and establish your church. As we celebrate their feast we pray for their successors – the pope, the bishops and the leaders of faith communities. May all be faithful to your gospel, loving in their leadership and courageous in proclaiming the good news. Amen.