Easter Sunday
Morning Prayer
O radiant dawn, shine forth in glory!
Christ has burst forth from the tomb.
Give praise, O peoples of the earth.
Death is overcome, God triumphs. Alleluia!
Psalm 150
Let all the earth rejoice. Christ is risen. Alleluia!
Praise! Praise God in the temple,
in the highest heavens!
Praise! Praise God’s mighty deeds
and noble majesty.
Praise! Praise God with trumpet blasts,
with lute and harp.
Praise! Praise God with timbrel and dance,
with strings and pipes.
Praise! Praise God with crashing cymbals,
with ringing cymbals.
All that is alive, praise. Praise the Lord.
Revelation 19:1-7
Salvation , glory and power to God!
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Right and sure, the judgments of God!
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Praise our God, you faithful servants!
Alleluia, Alleluia!
In awe praise God, you small and great!
Alleluia, Alleluia!
The Lord God almighty rules!
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Be glad, rejoice, give glory to God!
Alleluia, Alleluia!
The wedding feast of the lamb begins.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
The bride is radiant, clothed in glory.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Reading: Acts 10:40-43
God raised him on the third day and allowed him to appear not to all the people but to us who were chosen by God as witnesses, and who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead. He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one ordained by God as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.
Canticle of Zechariah
At the dawning of this day, the earth sings. Alleluia!
Christ is risen! Death shall be no more! Alleluia, Alleluia!
Praise the Lord, the God of Israel,
Who shepherds the people and sets them free.
God raises from David’s house
a child with power to save.
Through the holy prophets
God promised in ages past
To save us from our enemy hands,
From the grip of all who hate us.
The Lord favored our ancestors
Recalling the sacred covenant,
The pledge of our ancestor Abraham,
To free us from our enemies,
So we might worship without fear
And be holy and just all our days.
And you, child, will be called
Prophet of the Most High,
For you will come to prepare
A pathway for the Lord
By teaching the people salvation
through forgiveness of their sin.
Out of God’s deepest mercy
A dawn will come from on high,
Light for those shadowed by death,
a guide for our feet on the way to peace.
Christ, firstborn from the dead, you triumphed over sin and set all humankind free. Risen Savior, free us to live in newness of life as daughters of God.
Risen Savior, you came to Mary Magdalene in the quiet of the garden and reveled your presence to her:
~ Speak to our hearts, and let us know that you are with us.
Risen Savior, you walked with the disciples on the way to Emmaus and set their hearts on fire:
~ Let our hearts burn with the desire to share the Good News.
Risen Savior, you burst through the bonds of death to show us the power of God:
~ Give us the strength to break through attitudes that keep us from serving others.
Risen Savior, you have a special care for the poor and the suffering:
~ Use us as instruments of your mercy for the poor and suffering of our time.
Risen Savior, you rise to banish alienation and bring all peoples into unity:
~ Bring unity among all Christian churches that they may be of one heart and one mind in you.
Risen Savior, by your rising you vanquish death and wie away all tears:
~ Accompany our sisters and brothers who are dying and bring them into your eternal light.
The Lord’s Prayer
Jesus, we stand in awe at the mystery of your death and resurrection. We wonder at the depths of your love for us. May all people of the earth receive the good news of your gospel. As your people we ask this day or the power to live in the joy of your rising. May we sing with all creation: Hail, O Light of Christ! Welcome, Risen Lord. Amen
Bless our God who saves. Alleluia!
Bless our Savior who is risen from the dead. Alleluia!
Bless the Spirit who gives us the power to cry out: Alleluia, Alleluia! Blessed be our God!
Evening Prayer
O radiant dawn, shine forth in glory!
Christ has burst forth from the tomb.
Give praise, O peoples of the earth.
Death is overcome, God triumphs. Alleluia!
Psalm 148
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Alleluia!
Praise the Lord!
Across the heavens,
from the heights,
all you angels, heavenly beings,
sing praise, sing praise!
Sun and moon, glittering stars,
sing praise, sing praise.
Highest heavens, rain clouds,
sing praise, sing praise.
Praise God’sname,
whose word called you forth
and fixed you in place for ever
by eternal decree.
Let there be praise:
from the depths of the earth,
from creatures of the deep.
Fire hail, snow and mist,
storms, winds.
mountains, hills,
fruit trees and cedars,
wild beasts and tame,
snakes and birds,
princes, judges,
rulers, subjects,
men, women,
old and young,
praise, praise the holy name,
the name beyond all names.
God’s splendor above the earth,
above the heavens,
gives strength to the nation,
glory to the faithful,
a people close to the Lord.
Israel, let there be praise!
1 Timothy 3: 16
Why do you look for the living among the dead?
Astounding mystery
at the heart of our faith:
One who appeared in human flesh, alleluia!
was attested by the Spirit, alleluia!
seen by angels, alleluia!
proclaimed to the Gentiles, alleluia!
believed in by the world, alleluia!
taken us in glory, alleluia!
Reading: Hebrews 10:12-14
But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for our sins, “he sat down at the right hand of God,” and since then has been waiting “until his enemies would be made a footstool for his feet.” For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.
Canticle of Mary
Rejoice! Dance with joy before your God. Christ is risen! The earth sings, Alleluia!
Mary Magdalene was filled with wonder at your living presence. Let us honor with grateful spirits the wonder of your risen life.
Risen Christ, you healed Mary of brokenness, fear and uncertainty:
~ Heal us and all who are broken.
Holy One, you blessed Mary with the gift of inner quiet and peace:
~ Fill us with your presence.
Comforting Friend, you turned Mary’s tears and sadness into understanding and confidence.
~ Grant us the confident understanding of your continuing mission in this world.
Giver of hope, you offered Mary a sure and faithful love:
~ Make our love steadfast and enduring.
God of all peoples and nations, you sent us Jesus to bring all into unity:
~ Send us forth, like Mary, to tell the good news of your gospel.
The Lord’s Prayer
Risen Savior, we rejoice in your rising. All creation is redeemed through your saving love. Mary sought you and found you in the midst of her sorrow. Your presence filled her with a joy that had to be shared. You sent her to announce the news of your resurrection from the dead. Give us a love that sees you risen among us and sends us forth as bearers of the Good News. We ask this in faith. Amen.
Bless our God who saves. Alleluia!
Bless our Savior who is risen from the dead. Alleluia!
Bless the Spirit who gives us the power to cry out: Alleluia, Alleluia! Blessed be our God!