Week Two
Monday Morning

Greeting and Doxology

The love God summoned by day sustained my praise by night, my prayer to the living God.

As a deer craves running water,
I thirst for
you, my God;
I thirst for God,
living God.
When will I
see your face?

Tears are my
steady diet.
Day and
night I hear,
is your God?”

I cry my heart out,
I remember
better days;
when I entered the
house of God,
I was caught in the joyful sound
of pilgrims
giving thanks.

Why are you sad, my heart?
do you grieve?
for the Lord.
I will yet praise
God my savior.

heart is sad.
Even from Jordan and Hermon,
from the
peak of Mizar,
I re
member you.

There the deep roars to deep;
your torrents crash
over me.
The love God summoned by day
sustained my
praise by night,
my prayer to the
living God.

I complain to God,
who I
thought was rock:
“Why have
you forgotten me?
Why am I bent double
under the
weight of enemies?

“Their insults grind
me to dust.
Day and
night they say,
is your God?’”

Why are you sad, my heart?
do you grieve?
for the Lord.
I will yet praise
God my savior.

READING Jeremiah 15:15-16
O Lord, remember me and visit me, and bring down retribution for me on my persecutors.
In your forbearance do not take me away; know that on your account I suffer insult.
Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart; for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts.

Your words are the joy and happiness of my heart.

Praise the Lord, the
God of Israel,
who shepherds the people and
sets them free.

God raises from David’s house
a child with
power to save.
Through the holy prophets
God promised in
ages past
to save us from enemy hands,
from the grip of
all who hate us.

The Lord favored our ancestors
recalling the
sacred covenant,
the pledge to our an
cestor Abraham,
to free us
from our enemies,
so we might worship without fear
and be holy and just
all our days.

And you child, will be called
Prophet of
the Most High,
for you will come to prepare
a pathway
for the Lord
by teaching the peo
ple salvation
through forgiveness
of their sin.

Out of God’s
deepest mercy
a dawn will come
from on high,
light for those sha
dowed by death,
a guide for our feet on the
way to peace.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Thankful for the beauty and goodness
of all creation, we pray:
~ Good and loving God, hear our prayer!

For all who struggle for the basic necessities of life – nourishing food, pure water, fresh air and adequate housing, we pray:
For all who choose to live simply in order to share the earth’s resources with others, we pray:
For all who work farms, cultivate gardens and preserve forests, we pray:
For all who suffer from storms, earthquakes and other natural disasters, we pray:
For all who seek better ways to care for the earth and to harness its energies for the good of the human family, we pray:



With longing hearts we cry out to you, God of all life. Let mercy fall like gentle rain upon your suffering poor. Let your healing waters bathe the wounds of those broken by disease, rejection or self-hatred. The waters of our baptism made us one with Christ Jesus. May our lives witness the love made flesh in him. Amen.

May God’s blessing be upon us. Amen
May God’s light lead us in the way of Righteousness. Amen.
May our lives be patterned on Christ Jesus. Amen.